Does the Shape of Your Glass Influence How Much Wine You Drink?

There are a number of factors that often come into play when a person decides how little or how much alcohol to drink, but a new study recently found that, surprisingly, something as simple as the shape of the wine glass may subtly impact the amount of alcohol consumed.

According to CBS News, a study published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse found that it’s not just the shape of the wine glass that may influence alcohol consumption. Other seemingly innocuous things like whether or not the drinker is holding the wine glass at the time that the drink is poured may also have an effect.

The Study

Over the course of the study, 73 participants who regularly drank at least one glass of wine per week were asked to pour a “normal” glass of wine. While researchers expected the perception of “a normal glass of wine” to be subjective, they found that the definition of “normal” was extremely varied across participants. They also found that:

  • Those who poured their wine into a wide glass poured about 12 percent more wine than those who poured into a narrow glass.
  • There was a 12 percent increase in the amount of wine poured for those who were holding the glass into which the wine was being poured versus those who were pouring into a glass on a table.
  • Even the color of the wine played a part in determining how much wine participants poured for themselves – those pouring white wine tended to pour about 9 percent more wine than those pouring red wine.

What Defines an ‘Average’ Drink?

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends no more than 14 standard drinks for men per week and no more than seven standard drinks for women per week. But what is a “standard” drink?

For each type of alcoholic beverage, the definition is different. Approximately 14 grams of alcohol equates to one alcoholic beverage, not the volume of the drink. For example, the following are standard sized servings of alcohol:

  • 12 ounces of beer
  • 8 to 9 ounces of malt liquor (alcohol content varies by brand)
  • 3 to 4 ounces of fortified wine
  • 5 ounces of table wine
  • 2 to 3 ounces of cordial
  • 2 to 3 ounces of liqueur
  • 2 to 3 ounces of aperitif
  • 1.5 ounces of brandy
  • 1.5 ounces of hard liquor

Drinking Too Much?

Too often, people suffer serious mental and physical health problems when they drink more than is recommended. The effects of alcohol abuse and binge drinking can be serious indeed; addiction and/or death due to accident under the influence are not uncommon results. Learn more about the treatment that can help your loved one leave alcohol and alcohol-related issues behind forever. Call now for more information about our rehabilitation program here at Axis.