Drug Rehabilitation Statistics

rehab statisticsDrug rehabilitation can be the launching point for a new start in life, but how do you know which approach to treatment will work for you? Drug rehab statistics indicate that while a number of options are available — ranging from 24-hour detox plans to residential rehab communities — the most effective plans offer a broad range of recovery resources and at least 90 days in treatment. If you’re thinking about entering treatment or you know someone who could benefit from rehab, the following statistics can help you develop a recovery plan.

Getting into Treatment

When it comes to getting clean and sober, you have a wide range of options to choose from. Detox and rehab services are available at hospitals, public health centers, penal institutions, clinics and mental health facilities throughout the country. But statistics indicate that many individuals who need treatment don’t receive these services from specialized addiction rehab centers. In 2011, only 10.8 percent of the 21.6 million Americans who needed treatment for drug or alcohol addiction received that help in a dedicated addiction treatment facility, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Information from the NSDUH indicates that the most common reasons for substance abuse treatment in 2011 included:

  1. Alcohol: 2.4 million Americans over the age of 12 were treated
  2. Marijuana: 872,000 were treated
  3. Prescription painkillers: 726,000 were treated
  4. Cocaine: 511,000 were treated
  5. Heroin: 430,000 were treated
  6. Prescription tranquilizers: 318,000 were treated
  7. Stimulants: 309,000 were treated
  8. Hallucinogenic drugs: 293,000 were treated

Notably, the number of people who received treatment for the abuse of painkillers and tranquilizers has increased since 2002, according to this wide-reaching government report.

Many of those who are admitted for treatment are struggling to overcome poly-drug addictions, or the abuse of multiple substances. Others need treatment for co-occurring disorders, or mental health conditions (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety) that co-exist with substance abuse. Regardless of your reasons for reaching out, you can’t start the process of recovery until you’ve made that initial effort to get help.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab

What types of rehab are most common in the United States? According to the 2007 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) report, a national study of drug rehabilitation treatment admissions, 62.3 percent of people who sought treatment for substance abuse received care at ambulatory, or outpatient, facilities, including:

  • Outpatient treatment centers: 49.4 percent
  • Intensive outpatient programs: 10.6 percent
  • Outpatient detox programs: 2.2 percent

Residential rehabilitation programs were less popular than outpatient treatment centers. Out of those who enrolled in treatment programs offering long-term, 24-hour services, 10 percent enrolled in programs of 31 days or fewer, while 7.6 percent entered programs requiring stays over 31 days. Freestanding residential detox services drew 15.6 percent of the clients who sought inpatient care, while hospital detox programs drew 4.1 percent.

Inpatient treatment programs offer a supervised, structured environment for those seeking intensive recovery services. Outpatient treatment plans have a looser structure with more freedom and flexibility, but ambulatory care is generally not recommended for heavy users or for those with complicated health histories. An addiction specialist will recommend the best course of care after a thorough evaluation of your medical and psychological history.

Factors in Long-Term Success

Motivation, dedication to recovery and a strong support system are all important factors in the long-term success of your recovery. The rehab program you choose also plays a big part in your chances of staying clean and sober over the long-term. A study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse followed the treatment outcomes of almost 3,000 patients who were admitted to rehab for cocaine addiction over a three-year period. One key factor in patients’ long-term success was the duration of treatment. Patients who committed to programs lasting six months or more had lower relapse rates at one and five years than those who spent less time in rehab.

Your choice of a drug rehab program will be one of the most important decisions you ever make. Axis Residential Treatment provides a comprehensive set of recovery services to help you get the treatment you need to build a satisfying, sober life. Call us to find out how a personalized rehab plan can change the course of your future.