About Drug Rehab in California
Drug rehab in California focuses on rehabilitation and recovery, in order to help individuals re-enter society as fully functioning, responsible members of society.
Drug rehab in California offers a wide variety of treatment options, and each individual can expect a recovery plan tailored to their own unique personal needs and characteristics.
Drug rehab in California typically takes about six months to complete.
The first phase is inpatient or outpatient intensive detox treatment to overcome the physical symptoms of addiction, and provide tools for recovery.
Many drug rehab centers in California have experienced medical staff on site around the clock to assist addicts through the first phases of physical withdrawal. The medical staff is licensed through the state, which helps assure the safety of the patient throughout the withdrawal process.
Therapy is centered on providing support systems for the recovering addict, as well as teaching recovering addicts new strategies to overcome the social and emotional pressure and stay sober.
Learning these new strategies is a vital part of the recovery process.
Drug rehab in California includes several types of therapy.
Family therapy is designed to restore families, as well as provide families with a sense of understanding of addiction. Many families suffer some conflict and confusion when dealing with addiction, and family therapy is an important part of recovery.
Drug rehab centers in California also offer individual therapy, as well as group therapy.
Group therapy is a source of friendship and learning. Participating in both individual and group therapy has been shown to improve recovery results by up to eighty five percent, compared to people who did not receive these services.
Often, drug rehab in California involves the second step of becoming involved in community programs for recovering addicts.
These programs are free of charge, and assist recovering addicts in finding and maintaining social support. They also provide a mentor who has been through treatment successfully, and who will provide additional support after treatment.
Additionally, drug rehab treatment in California involves residing in a drug free environment for several months before returning home from the treatment center.
This allows a person some time away from drug and alcohol related situations. Therapy and transition planning is also provided to encourage recovering addicts continued success in drug rehab treatment.
There are many options for treatment, and drug rehab in California can be free of cost, low cost or paid for by insurance. Some drug rehab centers in California offer free treatment after recovery, and understand that battling addiction is a long process.
The level of commitment involved does not end with treatment; rather it is a lifelong process of learning.
"I had been attempting to get sober for over 17 years before entering Axis. Axis gave me foundation to recreate my life. For this experience I am forever grateful." -Josh L.
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About Drug Rehab in California
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