Can Certain Personality Traits Indicate Success (or Lack of Success) in Drug Rehab?

A study published in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment found that an inability to control impulsive behavior can contribute to difficulties in maintaining abstinence in recovery. Why? Compulsive behavior is defined as following through on an impulse without thinking it through. In recovery, this can translate into finding yourself drinking or getting high before you even realize that you’ve been contemplating relapse. Are there other personality traits that may make it difficult to be successful in drug rehab?


In some ways, the ability to be honest with others may be connected to compulsive or impulsive behaviors. People may simply lie in answer to a question or in conversation with someone else without thinking about it and later regret it, feeling embarrassment or shame that may trigger relapse. Addiction is, after all, often characterized by dishonesty. Many addicts lie about what they’re using, how much, and how often. They lie about stealing to support their habit or the harm that they cause others while under the influence in an attempt to escape the consequences or to maintain the continued support of the people around them.

Learning how to be honest is not as easy as it sounds. It’s a trait that must be practiced in a safe forum, among likeminded peers who understand the nature of addiction and what it can drive a person to do, or in the presence of a medical professional or psychologist. Honesty can feel vulnerable, and vulnerability can be scary, but stopping the secrets and living honestly is one of the keys to success in rehab and after.

Mindful Living

Making choices that prioritize peaceful conditions and help you to maintain overall health and wellness will ensure that any uncontrollable stressful events that arise don’t affect your state of relative calm. You will be less likely to relapse if you are feeling physically and mentally strong. Mindful living choices can include:

  • Eating fewer processed foods, consuming more vegetables, and cutting back on sugars, salts, and unhealthy fats
  • Regular, plentiful sleep
  • Building positive relationships with others
  • Exercising regulary

Get the Tools to Make Positive Choices in Recovery

Intensive drug addiction treatment is the first step toward building a strong foundation in recovery. Here you can identify the personal practices and attitudes that may be contributing to cravings for drugs and alcohol and practice new behaviors that make you stronger in recovery. Comprehensive therapeutic addiction treatment can begin today. Contact us at Axis now to learn more about your options in drug and alcohol rehab.