Rivotril is a brand name of the drug clonazepam that is marketed legally outside of the United States, such as in Mexico. Within the US, the drug is known as Klonopin. Rivotril is prescribed as an anticonvulsant, although it is also a drug of abuse for many individuals looking to increase the effects of heroin and other opiate drugs, according to the National Drug Intelligence Center. The drug is affordable and has been found in high school and even in junior high schools in San Diego, as it makes its way across the Mexican-American border.
Rivotril Abuse Comes in Different Forms

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has established through years of research and study that there are several reasons why individuals choose to abuse drugs. Some individuals simply want to feel good. These individuals are looking for the euphoria that comes from taking drugs on a recreational basis. Others may simply want to be accepted by their peers, and they feel they must participate in the same activities in order to find that acceptance. Still others may find that the recreational abuse of drugs makes them feel better than when they are not under the influence of these drugs. These individuals may suffer from a diagnosable mental health condition that responds to the drugs of choice that the individual happened upon by chance. All of these types of drug abuse are of a recreational nature and all of them can lead to addiction.
There is another type of drug abuse that can be just as dangerous, however. When an individual receives a prescription of a legal drug, such as clonazepam, for the treatment of a diagnosed condition, they may make decisions that can adversely affect their own treatment progress and overall health. Prescriptions are issued based upon a physical and visual examination of the patient to determine proper doses of the medication to be used. One individual may need to take a larger dose than another person because of their specific circumstances. Another individual may need to take lower doses, but they might be required to take them more often. When an individual changes the amount of a medication they consume, or shortens the time between doses, without consulting their doctor, they are engaging in drug abuse.
Regardless of whether an individual has legally obtained a prescription for Rivotril or they have obtained the drug through other means, abuse of the drug can lead to a dangerous addiction. When an individual takes Rivotril or other drugs of abuse, the drug affects the brain in a specific way. As the brain becomes used to the drug, however, the effects of the drug will begin to become less pronounced. Over time, the individual may find that they need to consume greater amounts of Rivotril in order to achieve the effects they are looking for. This process is known as tolerance. As the brain and body become more tolerant to the drug of choice, they also become more dependent upon it to feel normal. Eventually, the individual may need to consume the drug not to achieve a “high,” but to function as normally as possible.
The Signs of Addiction Are Somewhat Different for Everyone
Drug addiction affects more than simply an individual’s level of tolerance to Rivotril or any other substance. It is primarily a chronic disease of the brain that can affect behaviors as well as physical wellness.
For instance, individuals who suffer from addiction may exhibit any of the following symptoms:
- An inability to control how much of a drug is consumed in a given instance, such as promising that you will only use a certain number of Rivotril pills but finding that you have consumed all of your available drugs before you could stop
- An inability to stop using drugs even though you know that the abuse is causing significant conflicts in your life and you have made concerted, honest efforts to stop abusing drugs
- The abuse of drugs has led you to make ill-informed decisions that you would have otherwise not made, such as driving under the influence
- When you do not use drugs, you suffer from withdrawal symptoms of a physical or emotional nature that cause you to abuse drugs again
- You have a compulsion to abuse drugs that consumes your daily activities, such as a preoccupation with where and when you will be able to obtain more drugs and whether you will have enough drugs to “last” until you can find more
- You have chosen to abuse drugs rather than go to work or school, or take care of your children
It is important to understand that not every individual will suffer from all of these issues. Some individuals may experience only a few symptoms while others may suffer from more. Some symptoms may be more of a problem than others. For example, a person can suffer from addiction even though they have never missed a single shift of work. A mother can suffer from addiction even though her children are always clean, dressed well and seem to be well taken care of. A teen can suffer from addiction even though they receive good grades in school. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, each individual who suffers from addiction is a unique person with his or her own set of circumstances that must be addressed individually in order for treatment to be effective. But, in the end, there are treatments available.
Treatment Options for Rivotril Abuse and Addiction

Treatment for drug abuse and addiction can be broken down into two main categories: inpatient or outpatient. Both types of treatment offer their own set of benefits. For instance, outpatient treatment can provide an individual with the ability to continue working and taking care of family responsibilities while receiving treatment for drug addiction. This type of treatment setting might involve significant drug abuse monitoring because of the availability of drugs of abuse and lack of supervision during critical early weeks of abstinence.
Inpatient treatment, on the other hand, provides a nurturing environment that can remove an individual from their sources for illegal or prescription drugs, while providing around-the-clock care and counseling. Inpatient treatment provides a relaxing environment that is less medicinal than a hospital treatment setting – one that often provides all the comforts of home. Residential treatment can provide the evidence-based therapies that have a proven track record of effectiveness as well as the extra, alternative and complementary programs that can help an individual learn to manage the stress of recovery that can often contribute to relapse.
These types of treatments might include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapies
- Group therapy
- Family therapy
- Individual therapy
- Art and music therapy
- Yoga and meditation
- Acupuncture
- Spiritual counseling
Choosing the Right Facility for Rivotril Abuse Treatment
If you or a loved one is suffering from Rivotril abuse, you may feel overwhelmed by the entire situation. Making a decision to confront someone you love, or even to decide for yourself to receive treatment, can seem like an obstacle too great to overcome. At Axis, we understand what you’re going through, and we have the tools and experience to help you make the right decision for you and your family. When you contact us, we can help you formulate a plan for recovery that will address all your needs in a confident, secure and private setting. Most importantly, treatment can help you and your family to regain the control over your lives that can lead to true health and happiness for everyone.