After an alcoholism intervention takes place, or an individual decides to seek alcoholism treatment on their accord, one of the first concerns of prospective patients involves the question of how to afford alcoholism treatment. While the price tag attached to many alcoholism treatment centers can run quite high, the majority of patients do not actually need to pay out-of-pocket for residential alcoholism treatment stays. In fact, through the use of privatized insurance, public health assistance, procured loans, sliding scale fees, scholarships and treatment center payment plans, virtually every prospective patient can find a means to afford alcoholism treatment.
Why Is Alcoholism Treatment So Expensive?
Alcoholism treatment centers generally focus on the achievement of sobriety through holistic therapy approaches. In short, addiction research has repeatedly demonstrated that combination therapies tend to achieve higher success rates than one mode of therapy alone. Additionally, alcoholism is a complex disease, with genetic, neurochemical, emotional and psychological components. As such, successful treatment for alcoholism may involve on-site detoxification, medical care, nutritional aid, fitness oversight, group therapy and intensive individualized psychotherapy. Patients can recover at residential alcoholism treatment centers in a dedicated and inclusive residential atmosphere, with room and lodging included to allow patients to prioritize their recovery. The combination of costs involved in such month-long treatments tends to create the seemingly high cost of alcoholism treatment.
Ways to Afford Alcoholism Treatment
However, alcoholism treatment can be made affordable by taking advantage of a variety of ways to fund a residential alcohol addiction treatment stay. Below we have outlined some of the most common ways that individuals pay for alcoholism treatment.
Private Insurance Policies
Private insurance policies often cover the vast majority of treatment – either through substance abuse coverage or through a combination of ancillary services that remain covered in an individual’s policy. Some employers also offer dedicated substance abuse residential treatment funding, either within the group insurance policy or in addition to it. Private insurance policies can vastly reduce the out-of-pocket costs of residential alcoholism treatment – and in some cases, may even eliminate costs altogether.
Public Health Funding
Many alcoholism treatment centers take forms of public health coverage, such as Medicare and MediCal. For those who may not be able to afford privatized insurance on their own, these policies can both serve to reduce the overall cost of treatment and to minimize the out-of-pocket payments that individuals need to make towards their alcoholism treatment. In some cases, government-assisted programs may also contribute to the costs of alcoholism treatment. Such examples may include veterans’ coverage, specialized coverage for victims of violent crimes or coverage for those with special disabilities. Particularly in cases where alcoholism has been exacerbated by circumstance, government programs may approve funding for treatment.
Personal Loans
While the cost of alcoholism treatment can seem high, the cost of not receiving treatment inevitably remains higher. Studies have shown that income earning potential rises after successful addiction treatment. Taking a personal loan from a loved one – or even from a bank – can create an investment in one’s future sobriety that may pay off from both a personal and monetary standpoint.
Scholarships, Sliding Scale Fees and Payment Plans
Some rehabilitation centers reserve a few scholarships for patients in need of alcoholism treatment who simply cannot afford the cost of treatment. Others offer sliding scale fees, in accordance with an individual’s financial situation and income level. In addition, there are alcohol treatment centers that provide low- or no-interest payment plans, allowing individuals to first focus on recovery and then pay off the cost of treatment in stages.