Treating a Sleep Disorder Without Ambien

Ambien (zolpidem tartrate), a sedative-hypnotic prescription drug, can be an effective way to fall asleep if you’re experiencing transient insomnia, or sleep problems lasting less than two weeks. Because of its habit-forming potential and its serious side effects, Ambien is usually prescribed for limited periods and not generally recommended for long-term use. If you have a chronic problem falling asleep or staying asleep, consult your doctor or a sleep disorder specialist about how you can get more satisfying rest without being exposed to the health risks of long-term Ambien use.
Diagnosing Your Sleep Problem
Before prescribing sedative-hypnotic medication to help you sleep, your doctor should investigate the cause of your insomnia. The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry cautions prescribing Ambien without an accurate diagnosis may lead to the overuse of the medication, which could in turn lead to side effects such as:
- Tolerance or dependence on the drug
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Increased insomnia
If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep all night, your insomnia may be caused by a variety of factors. Physical pain, anxiety, depression, stress, shift work, the side effects of other medications, and the excessive use of caffeine are only a few of the health concerns that could affect your sleep schedule. Cardiovascular conditions and respiratory disorders like sleep apnea are also common causes of insomnia. Unless the root of the problem is treated, Ambien use won’t be effective over the long term, and you may end up with a dangerous dependence on the medication.
Natural or Alternative Sleep Aids
While it’s important to see a medical professional if you have trouble sleeping, you don’t necessarily need a prescription medication or an over-the-counter drug to help you sleep. Many people prefer to use sleep aids that come from natural sources, such as melatonin, a sleep supplement that replicates the effects of one of your body’s naturally produced hormones. Herbal remedies for sleeplessness include chamomile or valerian, which may be drunk as a tea to induce relaxation.
According to the Mayo Clinic, acupuncture has been used successfully by some patients in the treatment of insomnia. Acupuncture, an alternative therapy that originates in Chinese medicine, uses the application of very fine needles to stimulate pressure points on the body that encourage sleep. Yoga, tai chi, medication, music therapy and other relaxing activities can be used to promote a relaxed state of mind and help you sleep without medication.
Behavioral Modification for Sleep Disorders
Identifying and modifying the behaviors that cause insomnia may help you enjoy more restful sleep. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) states that many of the most common causes of insomnia could be corrected by changing certain habits. The NSF recommends using these simple measures to get better rest:
- Limit or eliminate chemicals that stimulate the central nervous system, like caffeine or nicotine. Before bed, avoid foods and liquids that take a long time to metabolize, like heavy meals or alcohol.
- Try not to take naps during the day, or limit napping to short periods of time.
- Spend time in natural sunlight. Underexposure to natural light can cause a disruption in your body’s normal sleeping patterns.
- Avoid mentally stimulating activities just before bed, like reading detective fiction or watching a complicated documentary.
Ambien shouldn’t be used as a front-line strategy in treating sleep disorders. If you rely on non-pharmaceutical alternatives or behavioral strategies, you may avoid misusing this medication and enjoy healthier sleep. If you suffer from an addiction to Ambien, we can help you quit using it altogether; contact us today.