If someone you love is struggling with drug abuse or drug addiction, it is important to seek professional qualified help for him or her in the form of an effective, evidence-based drug treatment program. Drug addicts and substance abusers will often make big promises about changing their behavior; sometimes they will even fully intend to keep those promises at the time they make them. However, the drug’s hold over the addict or abuser is often so strong that, try as he or she might, the person cannot break free from dependence without help.
Recovering from a drug problem is almost impossible without professional quality drug treatment. Fortunately, however, there is a wide range of drug treatment options available, allowing patients to mix and match and create their own unique program based on their past experience, their current needs, and their goals for the future. You can assist your loved one in taking the first step toward getting well when you contact us at Axis today.
Traditional 12-Step Programs
The “12-step” drug treatment program got its start in the early 1930s. Then, the group was solely devoted to treating those who struggled with alcohol addiction, but since that time, 12-step groups and the methodology behind them have become so popular and so widely praised that they are used to help treat a wide range of addictions.
People who participate in the 12-step program use the rules and tips outlined in the “Big Book,” and there are other pieces of helpful program literature available as well. As the name of the program implies, users are asked to follow 12 steps, in sequential order and with the aid of a sober sponsor who is a veteran of the program, in an effort to overcome their addictions and to become more balanced, happier people.
Most people will complete a 12-step program in conjunction with counseling or other professional drug treatment help as it is not a drug rehabilitation program and is usually not enough to help someone stay clean and sober for the long-term.
12-Step Program Alternatives
While traditional 12-step programs have proven to be highly effective for many people, they are not for everyone. There are religious tones to the 12-step form and function that make some uncomfortable, thus a number of alternative programs have developed over the years. Some people are atheists and thus have a problem with admitting belief in a higher power
LifeRing, for example, is a program similar to 12-step programs but without the focus on God and spirituality. There is also Smart Recovery, which focuses its treatment program on the latest scientifically based research surrounding addiction. Other addicts have found success with programs like Women for Sobriety and Secular Organizations for Society. Like all things in drug treatment, the choice should be made based on the needs and goals of the patient.
There are also a great many people who have had success with holistic drug treatment programs. These programs focus on treating the whole individual and not just on treating his or her addiction. They will often guide the patient in learning how to be more connected to the self via mind, body and spirit; they also typically promote healthy diets, exercise and overall healthy lifestyles.
Most holistic programs shy away from the use of Western pharmaceuticals. They may incorporate the use of herbal remedies as needed and offer such treatments acupuncture, acupressure, and massage and bodywork to address most issues as a first measure of care. The goal is to flush all toxins out of the body and learn to thrive on healthy, whole foods as well as other positive pursuits such as gentle exercise, good sleep, and supportive relationships and choices that pay attention to what the body and spirit need.
Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders
It is exceedingly common for patients to be diagnosed with both an addiction to drugs or alcohol and live with a mental health disorder as well.
Depression and anxiety are common issues among those who struggle with addiction, as are process addictions. If this is the case for your loved one, it is important to seek a drug treatment program that offers dual diagnosis care. This means that the program will have the resources to provide effective treatment for both the substance abuse issue and the co-occurring disorder at the same time so that your loved one comes out with the coping skills necessary to flourish in recovery, minimizing the risk of relapse.
Knowing What Treatment Is Right for You
With so many different drug treatment options out there, it can be difficult to know which one is the right choice for your loved one. Some of the best things you can do to help you as you make your decision include thoroughly researching different treatment options, touring treatment facilities, speaking with and learning about the staff members at different facilities, and honestly considering what would be the most effective choice for your loved one, given his or her addiction and/ or treatment history and overall personality type.

- A correct and thorough diagnosis of his or her disorder or addiction
- An upfront consideration of your loved one and his or her needs that is used to determine acceptability for the drug treatment program
- Careful assessment of the patient’s history with substance abuse or addiction and treatment
- Willingness to recommend aftercare programs or included aftercare services
- State accreditation
- Qualified staff
- Respect and true care for each patient
In the end, it will be up to your loved one to actually put in the effort and make the changes necessary to improve his or her life; however, it is important to note that even patients who are resistant to change still fare well in rehab. With time, support and perseverance, your loved one can overcome their dependence upon drugs and alcohol. Learn more when you contact us at Axis today.