Intervening on the Addict

Staging a drug intervention can seem like a daunting task, particularly if the subject of the intervention is someone you once loved and knew well. Unfortunately, not all drug interventions are successful; however, with careful preparation, planning, professional counsel and awareness, you can help your loved one understand his or her need for treatment.
Make Drug Addiction Treatment Arrangements
It’s imperative to make arrangements for drug addiction treatment before the intervention takes place. When and if the drug-addicted individual decides to acknowledge his or her addiction and seek treatment, loved ones should not be merely embarking on the search for a drug rehabilitation center. Secure enrollment at a reputable inpatient drug addiction treatment center before the intervention takes place, and arrange for timely transportation to the facility. You may also want to have your loved one’s bag packed, with any of the allowed and desired items they might want to take along during their stay.
Protecting Yourself During a Drug Intervention
While your focus is undoubtedly on your loved one’s drug addiction, it’s extremely important that you protect yourself during their drug intervention. Keep in mind that your loved one is not in a sober state of mind, and try not to take any loud, biting or angry responses personally. Additionally, take steps to physically protect yourself. Never attempt to physically restrain a loved one under the influence of drugs and resist physical provocations. The presence of a professional interventionist can also be helpful, both in preparation and debriefing the family, and in providing experience to ensure physical and psychological well-being throughout the event.
Involving Professional Addiction Interventionists
While interventions can be successfully staged without professional help, it’s often to your advantage to involve an addiction professional. Once you have obtained the help of a professional interventionist, you may also want to seek counsel from the drug addiction treatment center of your choice, a trusted therapist or your family physician. Your interventionist will work with you in helping you verbalize your feelings about your loved one’s addiction, make preparations for treatment and transport, and help communicate the need for treatment to your loved one in both urgency and love. Interventionists can also help simplify the intervention itself, acting as a facilitator for the meeting.
Dealing with an Atmosphere of Denial
Contrary to popular conception, denial does not merely consist of refusing to acknowledge and address the problem of drug addiction. A psychological defense mechanism, denial becomes initiated when the potential pain of a circumstance threatens the psyche, raising the responses of minimization, justification and blame-shifting as a means of coping. In the wake of drug addiction, families can enter into patterns of denial – pervasive ones that can become embraced in other areas, as well, creating a dysfunctional atmosphere where problems are no longer addressed and improved. In fact, the first response of most to a drug addiction issue within the family is actually not to seek treatment, but to attempt to handle the issue alone.
In order to produce a successful outcome for a drug addiction intervention on behalf of your loved one, make sure that you have dealt with any of your own issues with denial first by speaking with an intake specialist, treatment center counselor or professional interventionist. Be aware that your loved one may still be in the throes of denial, so resist the urge to blame yourself if your drug addiction intervention is not successful. Remember that for some drug-addicted individuals, more than one intervention is necessary in order to achieve a successful outcome and persuade them to enter treatment.
Further Reading
- Aftercare Services for Recovering Addicts
- An Overview of Addiction Effects
- Codependency
- Drug Abuse and Addiction Among Teenagers
- Drug Addiction Causes
- Drug Addiction Celebrities
- Drug Addiction Disease
- Drug Addiction Statistics
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Drug Street Names
- How to Get Help: Breaking Out of the Bondage of Addiction
- Intervening on the Addict
- LGBT and Drug Addiction
- Locating a Therapist Who Specializes in Addiction
- Prescription Drugs: The Addiction Epidemic
- Spotting the Signs of Drug Addiction
- Women and Drug Addiction