Paying for Drug Rehab

moneyDrug addiction treatment that includes medical detox when necessary and long-term psychotherapeutic intervention is the only recommended way to deal with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Because addiction is a medical disorder, undergoing professional medical treatment is a necessity. Few will do well in recovery – or avoid relapse for long – without it when they are physically and psychologically dependent on any substance.

Unfortunately, drug rehab is expensive. Cheaper programs are often barebones options, with few resources and little ability to create a treatment plan that is personalized to the needs of the individual patient. These are not a bargain; in fact, they are often a waste of time and money. Without the individualized care needed to overcome addiction, few patients will be able to find their way in recovery for the long-term.

So how do you pay for drug rehab? How do you determine what is a good value for your rehab dollar? And how do you pull together the funds to get started as soon as possible when your addicted loved one is in crisis?

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Types of Addiction Treatment

There are a number of different styles and forums for drug addiction treatment. Some are comprehensive in nature while others focus on a single aspect of treatment or prioritize flexibility of schedule. Each one has its benefits, but for most patients who are starting at square one in their fight against addiction, an evidence-based, inpatient comprehensive program that provides personalized treatment plans is key.

  • Outpatient treatment. Allowing patients to continue to go to work or attend a school program, care for children or elderly dependents, and still remain an active part in the community, outpatient programs offer the basics in recovery (e.g., personal therapy, support groups, family therapy and support, etc.). However, there is little to no care provided for medical issues related to detox and underlying mental health issues are often not the focus.
  • Intensive outpatient rehab. Outpatient care that is rigorous in nature, requiring patients to attend for five to six hours a day, allows patients to go home at night but still offers a high number of therapeutic hours every week. Though patients are still able to relapse when they leave, there is random drug testing to ensure the integrity of the program. This is often a good choice for patients who have already been through an inpatient program and need to recommit to sobriety.
  • Inpatient addiction treatment. The gold standard in addiction treatment, inpatient or residential drug rehab programs provide round-the-clock support and care for those who need it. Everything necessary to heal is included in the program from medical detox assistance to nutritional meals designed to support optimum health and wellness to intensive, personalized therapeutic interventions every day.
  • Detox services. Some programs offer only detox services for those who are working through withdrawal symptoms associated with their drug of choice. Most of these programs are inpatient and brief, lasting less than a week with the goal of stabilization. They do not constitute a complete treatment program.
  • Aftercare services. A wide range of aftercare services and options are available to patients who have successfully detoxed off their drug of choice and have been graduated from a drug rehab program. The demands on the schedule are lesser than outpatient treatment programs but still provide ongoing support to the patient in recovery.

Within these categories, there is a wide price range as well. Though outpatient care is usually less expensive than inpatient treatment, there are some intensive luxury outpatient programs that are more expensive than a barebones inpatient rehab program. The price tag is often indicative of the range and type of treatment services available and the ability of the rehab center to provide one-on-one intensive treatment to each patient. Lower-priced programs often provide services to more patients with fewer staff members while higher-priced programs offer a wider range of services that includes some of the more expensive options to fewer patients at a time with more specialists per patient.

How to Pay for Drug Rehab

There are a number of different ways to pay for drug rehab, and most families opt to utilize a few different resources in order to cover the cost of the bill for the most comprehensive program possible. Resources include:

  • Health insurance. The first stop on the journey to paying for drug rehab is health insurance. The Affordable Care Act requires that all insurance companies offer coverage for mental health services (e.g., the therapeutic treatment for dependence upon drugs and alcohol) just as easily and comprehensively as they do for treatment services for medical ailments. Every policy is different, however, so make sure to call to verify the specifics of your coverage.
  • Savings. For families who cannot immediately cover the out-of-pocket costs that remain after health insurance offers coverage, some turn to their savings. An emergency fund is a good place to start, but in some cases, it may be a good idea to siphon funds earmarked for other purposes – like college or retirement. Talk to your financial planner before making withdrawals to ensure that you’re making the best choice for your family.
  • Family loans. Other family members may be interested in offering a gift or loan to help pay the costs.
  • Private loans. Financing is very flexible and almost always an option when it comes to paying the remainder of treatment costs. Payments can be chosen based on your budget and on a repayment schedule that is comfortable for your family.

Start Today

Before you can begin to put together the funds to pay for drug rehab, you need to find the right drug rehab program for your loved one.

Based on his or her specific needs (e.g., underlying mental health issues, co-occurring medical problems, etc.), drug addiction treatment should be comprehensive and include care for all potential challenges to long-term sobriety. Contact us at Axis today to discuss how your family can cover the cost of treatment for your addicted loved one.

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